CAPTain Aptitude Tests
Two versions of aptitude tests are available in the CAPTain Online Test System, the Numerical Test and the Verbal Test.

The CAPTain Numerical Test is an online, time limited aptitude test developed utilizing international experience applied on a Hungarian sample. The test containing 15 questions has to be completed in 20 minutes. It objectively measures a person’s logical thinking and numerical reasoning skills objectively. These skills are usually influence the individual’s ability to identify and solve problems in general, and also predict the individual’s level of performance at the workplace in this area. The questions of the test simulate tasks and situations that occur in business life.
The CAPTain Verbal Test is an online, time limited aptitude test, developed utilizing international experience applied on a Hungarian sample. The test containing 15 questions has to be completed in 15 minutes. It objectively measures an individual’s abilities in reading comprehension, text analysis, and in drawing conclusions objectively. These skills usually determine their effectiveness in information processing, and predicts the individual’s level of performance at the workplace in this area. The questions of the test simulate tasks and situations that occur in business life.