I am interested.
When we have too many applicants for a position, by preselection we can shorten the list of potential candidates and continue the process with them.
By testing, the selecting process can:
- be shortened (fewer interviews, fewer further evaluation)
- be more effective by reducing the number of wrong decisions
Results can make the picture clearer and provide information for the decision.
Tools for preselection:
Captain Numerical Test
Captain Verbal Test
After preselecting, candidates on short list are worth to be be tested by more complex tools, such as competency tests or motivational tests.

The selecting process has a very important role in a company’s success. It is worth using measurement tools while selecting new colleagues, which help in preselecting potential candidates and getting a clearer picture about short list members by testing.
CAPTain consultants are happy to help you with the application of the CAPTain tests, furthermore we are able to fit our competency test to the requirements of our customers’ companies.
- Selecting managers
Using the CAPTain tests among (potential) managers provides information about the persons’ job-fit, about his/her motives, strengths and areas to develop. These tests measure leadership style, delegation, decisiveness, strategic planning, self-awareness and further management-related competencies objectively. We also have benchmarked profiles for the different levels of management (eg. team leader, group leader, projectmanager, etc.). - Selecting employees
Using the CAPTain tests among employees provides information about the person’s job-fit, about his/her motives, strengths and areas to develop. The test includes a flexible profile, which can be fitted to the given job. CAPTain tests are suitable to test freshly graduated potential employees. - Selecting sales professionals
The sales professional version of the test can describe the person’s job-fit, motives, stregths and areas to develop. These tests measure basic selling potential, selling style, persuating and influencing skills and customer care. The test can be supplemented by benchmarked sales profiles.
- Selecting managers
The following CAPTain Tests can support the different stages of selection:
- Preselection:
- Shortlist:
- CAPTain Analysis and Subjective with different reports
- CAPTain Interview riport
- CAPTain Motivational Analysis
- Supporting interviews and decisions – identifying the persons’ competencies, workplace behavior, leadership skills, self-awareness, social skills compared to the requirements of the job and predicting his/her success at the new job.
- CAPTain Analysis and Subjective with different reports
- Supporting integration to the new environment – it is worth to support freshly chosen managers with feedback about their competencies to help them adapt by identifying his/her motivations and personal inner resources.
Potential analysis, finding talents
Finding talents and talent management is part of the HR’s responsibilites, since the success of carreer management, succession planning, to incent employees and providing engagement for them.
Identifying and developing the most talented colleagues makes it possible to find the right person for open jobs from inside the company itself. Other advantages of talent management are, tat it helps in reducing the number of turnovers, engages the employees and builds a good employer brand. Overall it helps reduce costs in a company. Our consultants are happy to help you to plan and implement a program like this.
Tools in support of Talent Management:
– CAPTain Analysis and Subjetive (identify potential)
– test result based coaching feedback
After taking part in the talent management program we recommend measuring the participants’ competencies again (as a positive reinforcement) to see the degree of the individual’s development, as well as the effectiveness of the whole program when looking at the participants’ statistical results.

Potential analysis, finding talents
Finding talents and talent management is part of the HR’s responsibilites. Other HR areas, such as career management, succession planning, motivation and keeping employees, strongly connect to this as well.
Identifying and developing the most talented colleagues makes it possible to find the right person for opened jobs from the company itself. Other advantages of talent management is to help to reduce the number of turnovers, to engage our employees and to build a good employer brand. Overall it helps reduce costs in a company. Our consultants are are happy to help you to plan and implement a program like this.
Tools in support of Talent Management:
– CAPTain Analysis and Subjetive (identify potential)
– test result based coaching feedback
It is recommended to measure up participants’ competencies after a talent management program as well. These results can show the influence of the program and it makes it possible to size up the efficiency of the given method and provides as a feedback for participants by analysing their results statistically.

Competency based interview
The base of an efficient interview in the selecting process are competency based interview questions. We can explore the key competencies of the candidate by asking direct questions regarding concrete situations.
Advantages of competency based interview:
- structured questions make it possible to compare candidates to each other
- structured, deliberate and valid questions increase the efficiency of the interview in a short time
- direct and concrete way of asking prevents indefinite and hypothetical answers
Choosing the competencies to be investigated and defining questions:
First of all, it is required to identify the key competencies of the given job in the specific organizational culture. Our consultants can help you to choose them with our own benchmarks or by testing the colleagues with the best performance( Job analysis, benchmarking).
The second step is to create valid and direct questions and expected answers about the identified competencies and our consultants can help you to prepare for evaluating them.