I am interested.Intrinsic motivation makes a developmental process more successful than external pressure alone. Coaching style competency feedback interview can increase colleagues’ awareness about their competencies, strengths and areas to develop and makes them be engaged in the developmental process.

Developing managers
Measuring up actual behavior is a good start for every developmental process, which helps managers to increase self-awareness and to reflect on their own competencies. After completing the test, a coaching style feedback interview can support this process. The interview provides an opportunity to discuss results using direct, concrete examples and the participant can ask his/her questions and he/she can react to the points raised in the conversation. Preliminary consultations can also help participants get used to to the situation and to commit to the given goals.
Developing employees
Developing employees also has an important role in organizational success. Since theCAPTain test are flexibly adaptable, you can use it in any job and coaching style feedback interviews, which can actas a base for the developmental process.
The aim of a developmental interview is to give an opportunity to colleagues to react to their own results, ask their questions and get acquainted with requirements of the given job and the developmental program. Interviews like this can support self-awareness and involvement of participants.
After the developmental program it is worth to repeat the measurement and explore the effects of the program and further needs.
Tools for developmental programs:
- CAPTain Analysis and Subjective
- identifying current competencies
- checking efficiency of the program
- CAPTain profiles
- designating key competencies of the given job, identifying strengths and weaknesses
- CAPTain Motivational Test
- identyfying motives and thus developmental potential

Developing employees
Developing employees also has an important role in organizational success. Since CAPTain test are flexibly adaptable, you can use it in any job and coaching style feedback interviews, which can provide as a base for the developmental process.
The aim of developmental interview is to give the opportunity to colleagues to react to their own results, ask their questions and get acquainted with requirements of the given job and the developmental program. Interviews like this can support self-awareness and involvement of participants.
After the developmental program it is worth to repeat measuring and explore the effects of the program and further needs.
Tools for developmental programs:
- CAPTain Analysis and Subjective
- identifying current competencies
- checking efficiency of the program
- CAPTain profiles
- designating key competencies of the given job, identifying strengths and weaknesses
- CAPTain Motivational Test
- identyfying motives and thus developmental potential

Training need analysis
Development is important not only for organizational success, but for employee retention as well, however it is not uncommon to send employees to unnecessary trainings, which is counterproductive and can raise dissatisfaction among them. When it comes to trainings or coaching, measurement tools are worth to use and start the program with diagnostics.
Advantages of diagnostics:
- measuring up the current situation, competencies of managers and employees, revealing problems and developmental needs
- really necessary trainings can be organised
- group analysis can lead to more efficient programs
- based on the diagnostics, the developmental program can be fitted to actual needs, results show us the most and least important areas to develop so we can optimize the program along them
The outcome of the diagnostics can be a development plan for an individual or for a group fitting to the actual needs. It makes it possible to measure the effect of the program after training or coaching.
Tools for treening needs analysis
- competency based interview
- CAPTain Analysis and Subjective – with individual or group results
- CAPTain Motivational Test – with individual or group results
Training efficiency analysis
If we started our program with diagnostics and measuring competencies among participants, it is possible to analyse the efficiency of the training by completing the given test again. Results can show development by comparing it to prior findings.
Analysing results individually and in groups provides feedback about the most efficient modules of the program, it makes it visible which goals are reached and how competencies changed. Based on the outcome of the program we can help our customers to settle further ways for development.

Training efficiency analysis
If we started our program with diagnostics and measuring competencies among participants, it is possible to analyse the efficiency of the training by completing the given test again. Results can show development by comparing it to prior findings.
Analysing results individually and in groups provides feedback about the most efficient modules of the program, it makes visible which goals are reached and how competencies changed. Based on the outcome of the program we can help our customers to settle further ways for development.